Taking a proactive approach to preventing MSIs

Musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) are reduced when the fit between the worker and their workplace is optimized.

Improving that fit at the earliest opportunity reduces the likelihood of developing risk factors that can lead to MSI.

For example:

  • Consider MSI prevention at the design and/or purchasing stages. Select equipment that offers good fit, improved efficiencies, light weight, low vibration, and so forth.
  • Incorporate MSI prevention into elements of current safety programs such as workplace inspections, safety meetings, and incident investigations.
  • Work with maintenance staff to ensure equipment is well maintained, which reduces the force required to perform material handling activities. Engineering and maintenance departments can often provide innovative solutions that optimize worker performance and safety.

Whether your workplace is at the early design stage or well established, the key to success in preventing MSI is using a participatory approach. This involves getting commitment from all levels of management, ensuring participation from key departments, and involving workers throughout the risk management process.

Read about one manufacturing company’s successful implementation of a proactive approach to workplace ergonomics.

Read more

We're here to help

For resources, please visit worksafebc.com/ergonomics. If you have questions about ergonomics, human factors or need help managing the risk of MSI in your workplace, please contact us at AskAnErgo@worksafebc.com

WorkSafeBC, PO Box 5350 Stn Terminal, Vancouver BC V6B 5L5